The Relationship between Eating Disorder Psychopathology and Sexuality


Giovanni Castellini

Associate Professor of Psychiatry
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With this video we delve into a critical intersection between mental health, sexual well-being and eating disorders. Eating disorders are psychiatric conditions characterized by abnormal eating behaviors, often stemming from distorted attitudes towards weight and body image. Recent prevalence data until 2021 reveals a lifetime prevalence of 1.69%, with pronounced rates in females and sexual minority adults. Specifically, women with eating disorders frequently suffer from sexual dysfunction, highlighting a shared dimension of body image disturbance and embodiment disorder. The factors contributing to sexual problems extend beyond the individual, encompassing interpersonal difficulties, disturbed intimacy, insecure attachment styles, and neurological pathways.

To guide us through this landscape, Prof. Castellini shares key findings from ongoing research spanning over a decade. He will elucidate the significance of these research data and their clinical implications. Furthermore, Prof. Castellini will discuss the features of embodiment disorder and analyse the role of attachment insecurity in shaping the sexual lives of individuals affected by eating disorders. The lecture will also touch upon variations in sexual activity among different types of eating disorders and provide valuable insights into the experiences of transgender individuals. This video helps us gain essential clinical insights that can significantly impact the way we approach the comprehensive care of individuals dealing with eating disorders and their associated sexual challenges. Join us in this exploration, where knowledge meets practical application, and let’s deepen our understanding together.

  1. Castellini G, Rossi E, Ricca V. Are There Common Pathways for Eating Disorders and Female Sexual Dysfunction? The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2022;19(1):8-11. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.10.006
  2. Castellini G, Rossi E, Ricca V. The relationship between eating disorder psychopathology and sexuality: etiological factors and implications for treatment. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 2020;33(6):554-561. doi:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000646
  3. Castellini G, D’Anna G, Rossi E, et al. Dysregulated Sexuality in Women with Eating Disorders: The Role of Childhood Traumatic Experiences. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2020;46(8):793-806. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2020.1822484


Produced in 2024

Giovanni Castellini

Giovanni Castellini

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Florence, where he holds a pivotal role in both academic and clinical realms.

With a focus on eating disorders and obesity, as well as sexuality disorders and gender dysphoria, his expertise spans a wide spectrum within the field of mental health. Combining his background in Psychiatry and Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy, Prof. Castellini brings a multifaceted approach to his research and clinical practice. His deep understanding of the psychopathology and clinic of these complex conditions informs both his teaching and his work at the Day Hospital for Eating Disorders and at the University Hospital of Careggi, Florence. Castellini’s contributions extend beyond his institution, as evidenced by his memberships in various prestigious scientific societies and collaborations with research groups across Italy and internationally, including the United States and The Netherlands.

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