Structured Supervision
Do you prefer IOSS to structure your supervision sessions? We have well designed supervision sessions that can optimize your psychotherapeutic skills on the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of sexual dysfunctions and disorders. We can also adjust the sessions to your level of experience. Start with six sessions…
Six supervision sessions on a well designed structure with more than one supervisor involved.
Based on the discussion of clinical cases, the sessions will focus on psychosexual skills for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of sexual dysfunctions and disorders. Through our structured curriculum, each trainee can be guided during the supervision course, starting with assessment, diagnosis, therapeutic alliance and clinical management of sexual dysfunctions, and deepening on complex cases, management of transference and countertransference, and improvement of clinical skills. Supervisees will be exposed at least to two different supervisors, according to their preferences and field of clinical practice. The curriculum is designed for psychologists and psychiatrists who apply psychosexual therapy and covers the topics listed in the table, following a stepwise fashion. We suggest to plan 4 batches, of 6 sessions each, in two years. Certificates will be provided after the completion of 6 sessions.
Based on the discussion of clinical cases, the sessions will focus on psychosexual skills for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of sexual dysfunctions and disorders. Through our structured curriculum, each trainee can be guided during the supervision course, starting with assessment, diagnosis, therapeutic alliance and clinical management of sexual dysfunctions, and deepening on complex cases, management of transference and countertransference, and improvement of clinical skills. Supervisees will be exposed at least to two different supervisors, according to their preferences and field of clinical practice. The curriculum is designed for psychologists and psychiatrists who apply psychosexual therapy and covers the topics listed in the table, following a stepwise fashion. We suggest to plan 4 batches, of 6 sessions each, in two years. Certificates will be provided after the completion of 6 sessions.
1. Issues related to the setting
- Public/private context
- Vis a vis consultation
- Online consultation
- Timing and payment
2. Assessment of sexual dysfunctions
- Medical, psychosocial, sexual history
- Specialist consultations and lab test
- Questionnaires and scales on SD
- Predisposing, precipitating, maintaining factors
3. Making a diagnosis
- Key points for different SD
- Differential diagnosis
- Double diagnosis
- Relational diagnosis
4. Building the professional team
- Involving different professionals
- Starting the treatment: who goes first How to collaborate and communicate
- Tasks of the case leader
5. How to educate patients on
- Sexual response
- Physiology and sexuality
- Psychology and sexuality
- Readings and tools
- Feel comfortable with sex
- Context of sexual encounters
- Stereotypes and myths
- Lifestyle changes
6. Therapeutic alliance
- Importance of the first 3 sessions
- Building a collaborative atmosphere
- Fast recognition of the factors connected to the symptom
- Fast recognition of the patient’s resources
- A clear explanation of the clinical process to the patient
7. Clinical management
- Give meaning to the symptom
- Partner involvement
- Different approach for single vs couple patients
- Set the treatment goals
- Work on maintaining factors
- How to use behavioural exercises
- Manage the process
- End of the therapy and follow-up
8. Transference and countertransference
- Dynamics between clinician and patient
- Impact of gender difference
- Emotional reactions to the patient’s history or attitude
- Erotic attraction to the patient and vice versa
- Management of different values and cultural issues
- Recognize our limits as clinicians
9. Set priorities in the clinical process
- Symptoms and syndromes
- Hierarchy in psychological problems
- Individual and relational psychopathology
- Hierarchy in sexual problems
- Pharmacological support
10. Fostering changes on
- Cognitive schemas, dysfunctional beliefs, automatic thoughts
- Emotional dysregulation
- Relational and social impairments
- Body image distortions
- Minority stress
11. Complex cases
- More than one sexual dysfunction
- Comorbidities
- Pain with no organic cause
- Unconsummated marriage
- Paraphilic disorders
- PDE5is management
- Compulsive sexual behaviours
- Dismorphophobia
- Different sexual preferences
- Desire discrepancy
12. Difficult topics in psychotherapy
- Extra-marital affairs
- Secrets
- Abuse and trauma
- Undifferentiated couples
- Consensual non-monogamy
- Kink and diverse sexuality
- Personality disorders
- Partners disagreement
- Alcohol and drug abuse
- Resistance to change
Certificates will be provided after the completion of 6 sessions
Six individual sessions
Each session lasts 60 minutes
and you can schedule them
according to your availability.
Six group sessions
Join a group of <5 supervisees.
Each session lasts 90 minutes.
The sessions are implemented
on scheduled dates and times.