Peter Karl Jonason
Evolutionary & Personality Psychologist
Peter Karl (PK) Jonason holds the rank of Associate professor at the University of Padua (IT) and Full Professor at the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyńskiego (POL), and is a visiting professor at the University of Silesia (POL).
He is an expert in the Dark Tetrad traits, mate choice, psychometrics, and sex differences. He received his Ph.D. in 2009 from New Mexico State University and the IgNobel award in psychology in 2014.
He has over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals, has served or is serving as editor for several journals like Personality and Individual Differences and Frontiers in (Evolutionary) Psychology, and has been awarded over 100K Euro in grant money from the National Science Center of Poland.
He originally planned to be a lawyer but when introduced to evolutionary psychology by a former supervisor, he changed his career plans to be a researcher. Now he is one of the youngest and most cited evolutionary psychologists in the world. He runs the virtual lab (ala Reseachgate) called Personality, Relationships, and Evolutionary Psychology which has members from Australia, the USA, Austria, Poland, and more.
More information can be learned about him on his website www.peterjonason.com.