Mark Stokes
Psychologist & Researcher
Mark Stokes is a registered psychologist and has been involved in Autism research since 1992, obtaining his PhD from La Trobe University in 1996 in circadian rhythms and sleep control
Following this, Mark has had appointments at La Trobe, Monash University, and Vanderbilt University. In 1999, Mark returned to Monash University as Director of the Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit at Monash University’s Accident Research Centre. In 2002 Mark was appointed to Deakin University where he established a research group – the Healthy Autistic Life Lab (HALL). HALL collaborates with many researchers globally and covers research programs into autism addressing sexuality; relationship development; the female profile of autism; mirror neurons in autism; and the transition to adulthood in autism. HALL seeks to understand how to support autistic adolescents and adults through the major transitions to adulthood, such as finding employment, finding a life partner, developing intimacy, to assist people to obtain a life that supports outcomes of mental health and positive well-being. Mark has published over 150 peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, reports to government, and more than 140 conference presentations. Mark has supervised over 30 doctoral and PhD completions.
Mark actively supports research into autism through his role as former President of the Australasian Society for Autism Research and National Lead for Australia to INSAR. Mark has also been involved in Child Injury Prevention and Intervention for 25 years. Mark has been a board member of Kidsafe since 2000 and is a life member and former President of Kidsafe Victoria and Kidsafe Australia. Mark is currently Vice President of Kidsafe Victoria.