Male Sexual Pain: Assessment and Multidisciplinary Approach (Part 1 & 2)

1h 37m

Yacov Reisman

Urologist & Sexual Medicine Specialist
Trailer Male Sexual Pain: Assessment and Multidisciplinary Approach (Part 1 & 2) Trailer

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Content and Aim: Male Sexual Pain (MSP), also known as male dyspareunia, is a common health problem that has devastating personal, sexual and relational implications. MSP is chronic or persistent pain in the genital or pelvic area that develops during or shortly after sexual activity and lasts three months or longer. It is often part of chronic pelvic pain. The disorder has gained little attention in the medical literature, and our understanding of epidemiology, etiology and treatment options is poor due to a lack of research.
An overview of patient assessment and available treatments will be given during the webinar. A complete clinical history, including the sexual response cycle, a physical examination, and further inquiries based on clinical suspicions, are part of the patient assessment. The causative agents of MSP can be divided into four categories: isolated ejaculatory pain, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, medical causes, and psychological causes. There are several triggers for each of them, and therefore the therapy is often multimodal, ranging from medication to psychological interventions, and is guided according to the underlying cause.
Learning Objectives:

  1. Understanding the mechanism of pain and the function of the pelvic floor
  2. Learn how to assess the patient and the possible etiology
  3. Learn about the holistic multidisciplinary approach
  4. Know measurements for patient’s self-assert

Produced in 2021

Yacov Reisman

Yacov Reisman

Urologist & Sexual Medicine Specialist

Dr. Yacov Reisman, MD, Ph.D., FECS, graduates Cum Laude at the Faculty of Medicine of State University Groningen, The Netherlands.

In 1998 he defended his Ph.D. research thesis on electronic diagnostic tools and objective medical decisions with the European Clinical database. Since 2002 he has been registered as a urologist allied to the Amstelland Hospital in Amstelveen and, from 2006 till recently, chairman of the Dutch Men’s Health Clinics network. In 2011 he became a registered sexologist by the Dutch Society of Sexology (NVVS) and, since recently, director of Flare-Health. He is an honorary and visiting Professor of urology at the Russian Federal Institute of Urology, Moscow, and of the Shanghai Institute of Andrology of the Medical School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is an active member of the European Association of Urology (EAU), Past-President of the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM), and Ex-President of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee on Sexual Medicine (MJCSM), for which he receives Silver Decoration of Honour from the UEMS, and co-director of ESSM School of Sexual Medicine. He is a senior lecturer of Clinical Sexology at the RINO-Amsterdam, Netherlands. His special interest and publications are a.o. on cancer and sexual dysfunction, sexuality in chronic conditions, shockwave therapy for ED, lifestyle, and sexual function. Dr. Reisman is, among others, co-editor of the Manual of Sexual Medicine, the Syllabus of Clinical Sexology published by the ESSM, Cancer, Intimacy, and Sexuality, and the Textbook of Rare Sexual Medicine Conditions.

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