Chem Sex: Management Strategies for Sexologists (Part 1 & 2)
1h 35m
Remziye Kunelaki
Psychologist & Sexologist
Content and Aim: A lecture opportunity to learn from the clinical experience of two leading experts in the field of ChemSex and Sober Sex on ground zero. In recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of patients attending psychosexual clinics requesting to achieve sober sex. The webinar will focus on the sexualised drug use and the aim to achieve sober sex as experienced in the gay community of London. Sober Sex does not fit any of the DSM criteria of diagnosis and there is a need to understand and work with patients in a focused as well as holistic manner.Learn from the experts how to manage patients with ChemSex presentations in clinic and help them achieve sober sex within the context of sexology. The session is for anyone interested in this topic regardless of previous experience.
Learning objectives:
- Clear understanding of ChemSex and Sober sex
- Steps and what to do with patients who present with ChemSex issues
- A framework to work towards sober sex in time limited and long-term contracts
- Attention on the self- care of the patient and the therapist
Produced in 2020
David Stuart ✟
Social Worker & Chem Sex Expert
David Stuart was a social worker, community activist, and chemsex expert.
David was the first to name and identify Chemsex as an emerging gay cultural phenomenon. He developed the world’s first chemsex support services, and he fought relentlessly for greater chemsex awareness by encouraging and stimulating cultural dialogue and discussion within our international gay, bi and Queer communities. He supported international governments and communities to manage the cultural phenomenon from a place of kindness, sex positivity and cultural competence. Sadly, in the beginning of 2022 David Stuart died, leaving us heartbroken for the loss of a great man whose work saved countless lives. For those that would like to know more about David, we would suggest to read the novel ‘A Loud Exhaust’. Click here to download his book.
Remziye Kunelaki
Psychologist & Sexologist
Lecturer and Supervisor
Remziye Kunelaki, MPhil, PhD, MSc, ECPS, is a psycho-sexologist certified by the European Federation of Sexology (EFS) and the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM).
She is an accredited psychosexual therapist and clinical supervisor by the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT) in the UK. Remziye studied Psychology (BSc) in Turkey and specialized in Psychosexual Therapy (PgDip and MSc) in the UK. She has been working in sexual health since 2001 in the National Health Service (NHS). She has set up psychosexual services and developed a time-limited working model over the years. Remziye’s current role in the NHS is the lead psychosexual therapist at 56 Dean Street of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, one of the busiest sexual health clinics in Europe. She also runs her own private practice in central London. Remziye has been supervising psychosexual therapists and counsellors since 2012. Her supervisory style is integrative, biopsychosocial, to the point and in the present moment. Remziye attends regular one to one and group supervision and abides by the code of ethics of COSRT. Remziye has a special interest on sober sex following chemsex. She has written extensively and delivered training to health professionals on the guidelines to help patients achieve sober sex. She also is very experienced and teaches on the topic of time-limited sex therapy. Remziye is currently studying for a PhD at Anglia Ruskin University. Her research focuses on the experience of Christian men having sex (MSM) who attend workshops collaborated by sexual health and the Church. She actively participates to national and international conferences in sexual medicine. Remziye is of Turkish origin, identifies as a Muslim, cis gender and heterosexual woman of Greek nationality. Due to her own politically complex origin, she works well with difference and diversity in sex therapy. Remziye has got extensive experience of working with patients of religious communities, such as Muslim and Christian. She has developed an interest in how Islam or Christianity might effect who we are sexually and explore specific ways of integration between the two identities.
English, Turkish, Greek