Can they Succeed where we Fail: All about Surrogate Partner Therapy (Part 1 & 2)
1h 54m
Ronit Aloni
Psychotherapist & Sexologist
Content and Aim: Surrogate partner therapy (SPT) was first introduced to sexual therapy by Masters and Johnson (1960). SPT raises ethical, cultural, legal, as well as controversy among professionals in the field of sexuality, it is performed in different ways in few countries such as USA, England, Australia, The Netherland, Germany as well as Israel.
Observing SPT from a rehabilitation point of view, it is a form of mentoring which helps patients in a “one on one” experience when we the therapist cannot be there to direct and support; it also provides “an on-site feedback” for those who need it, those that will not move forward without it. SPT also provides the therapist with an additional perspective on our patients who comprehend the situation in a way that holds them back.
In this webinar, we will try to uncover myths and fears while working with this powerful and effective therapeutic tool. Case studies will be discussed, and provide a better understanding of the therapeutic process working with the “Triangle Model of Patient – Surrogate – Therapist”. Participants will be able to differentiate between those that can benefit from SPT and those who don’t.
Prof. Rafi Heruti will attend the webinar to reply to queries concerning medical issues.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the prone and cones of SPT
- Integrating classic sexual therapy with SPT
- Identifying the appropriate clients
- Overcome our fears combining SPT in our clinical practice
- Identify medical aspects concerning SPT
Produced in 2021
Rafi Heruti
Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine
Rafi Heruti graduated medicine at the Sackler school of medicine, Tel-Aviv University. Prof. Heruti is a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation and an authorized sex therapist.
He is a member and a supervisor at The Israel Society of Sex Therapy, and served twice has the head (2011-2017). Prof. Heruti established the Sexual Rehabilitation service at the Sheba medical center, Tel-Hashomer and since 2000 at Reuth rehabilitation hospital, where he serves as the director of the rehabilitation division. He established and co-directs (with Dr Ronit Aloni) the program of human sexuality at the academic center for continuing education, School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, where he also serves as the head of the rehabilitation. He is the author of many scientific papers, and also wrote chapters in professional books. Prof. Heruti serves as the medical director of the SPT program since 2000, and co-director of “ISHI”, the biggest private sex therapy clinic in Israel, and the only one that uses SPT.
Ronit Aloni
Psychotherapist & Sexologist
Ronit Aloni graduated the Human Sexual Program in NYU her thesis focused on the Surrogate Partners who were associated in IPSA (International Professional Surrogates Assn), and trained at the Psychiatric clinic of NY university hospital, as well as at Rusk institute of rehabilitation.
She is a member and a supervisor at The Israel Society of Sex Therapy and the Israeli Society for Family and Couple therapy. Ronit Aloni PhD established the Sexual Rehabilitation Center in Lowenstein Rehabilitation Center and established (with Prof. Rafi Heruti) the program of human sexuality at the academic center for continuing education, School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University and co-directs it. She wrote a book about Sexual rehabilitation after TBI that includes 2 chapters about SPT for survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury and wrote chapters in other professional books with colleagues. A chapter on sexuality and cross-culture with a case study of a woman with Paraplegia rehabilitated with a male SPT. SPT in Israel was recognized by the court in compensation trials as well as recognized by the Ministry of Defense for wounded veterans as a result of the professional efforts of Ronit Aloni. R. Aloni co-direct “ISHI”, the biggest private sex therapy clinic in Israel that includes SPT since 1996.