Talli Rosenbaum

Talli Rosenbaum

Psychotherapist and Sex Therapist


Talli Yehuda Rosenbaum is an individual and couple therapist and is certified as a sex therapist and sex therapy supervisor by The International Association of Psychosexual Therapists  (IAPST) as well as the Israeli Society for Sex Therapy (ISST).

She cohosts the Intimate Judaism podcast and is co-author of the book “I am For My Beloved: A Guide to Enhanced Intimacy for Married Couples.”  and co-edited the Springer textbook entitled “The Overactive Pelvic Floor.”She has authored over 40  journal articles and several book chapters on trauma and sexuality, sexual pain disorders,  and sexuality and Judaism and is an associate editor of the Sexual Medicine Reviews. Talli earned a Masters in Clinical Sociology and Counseling and a certificate in Mental Health Studies from the University of North Texas in Neve Yerushalayim.  She holds a bachelors degree in Physical Therapy from Northwestern University. Before re-training as a psychotherapist, she treated patients as a physical therapist for 25 years.  

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