Claas de Boer
Since 2009 Claas de Boer is an employee in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Sexual Medicine of the Hannover Medical School (MHH).
He received a diploma in psychology in 2011, followed by the official license to practise as a psychological psychotherapist in 2014. Since then he has been working as a psychotherapist in the German Prevention Project Dunkelfeld, providing single therapy and group therapy for patients with paedophilic disorders. Also, since 2015 Claas de Boer works as a couple therapist and sexual therapist in the Hannover Competence Centre for Sexual Medicine (SMK). In 2018 he became an EFS and ESSM certified Psycho-Sexologist (ECPS). Currently, he is a member of the Lower Saxony Commission for Preventing Sexual Offending against Children and Adolescents.